¿Recordáis a nuestra preciosa podenquita con la patita atrofiada? Hace ya varios días que pasó por cirugía y todo salió muy bien! Ya está casi completamente recuperada y terminará de hacerlo junto a su nueva familia, ya que viaja este mismo viernes para reunirse con ellos 😊 Yira es una perrita buenísima, y muy sumisa. Agacha su cabecita y se tumba boca arriba cuando vamos a acariciarla. No sabemos qué habrá vivido en su anterior vida, pero por su comportamiento podemos imaginarlo…
Se acabó aquella vida pequeña. El sábado caerás en brazos de una familia que te dará todo el amor del mundo y entenderás que hay manos que no hacen daño, sino que sanan. Sanarán tu corazón y serás todo lo feliz que te mereces!
Do you remember our precious little hound with her atrophied paw? It’s been several days since she went through surgery and everything went very well! She is almost completely recovered and she will finish doing it with her new family, since she travels this Friday to meet them 😊 Yira is a very good dog, and very submissive. She bends her little head and lies on her back when we go to caress her. We do not know what she has experienced in her previous life, but from her behavior we can imagine …
It’s the end of that little life, sweetie. On Saturday you will fall into the arms of a family that will give you all the love in the world and you will understand that there are hands that do not hurt, but that heal. They will heal your heart and you will be as happy as you deserve!

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