No hace ni una semana que nos enfrentamos a uno de los casos mas duros de los últimos meses. Aún no lo hemos superado y sin embargo hoy volvemos a encontrarnos con un caso similar…
Astrid ha sido atropellada y está en estado critico. Tiene fractura múltiple de cadera y varias heridas por todo el cuerpo, entre ellas, una herida inmensa en la ingle. Ha llegado al borde de la hipotermia y aun con calor, no dejaba de temblar. Está muy decaída y su pronóstico es reservado…
No podemos perderla. No podemos permitirnos perder otra vida. No nos lo perdonaríamos…
Vamos pequeña, lucha. Vamos a luchar junto a ti. Te prometemos que vas a conocer la felicidad absoluta. No te rindas por favor…
Necesitamos tu ayuda para salvar a Astrid!
Not a week ago we faced one of the toughest cases in recent months. We have not yet overcome it and yet today we find ourselves with a similar case …
Astrid has been run over and is in critical condition. She has a multiple hip fracture and several injuries all over her body, including a huge injury to the groin. She has reached the brink of hypothermia and even in the heat, she would not stop shaking. She is very down and her prognosis is reserved …
We cannot lose her. We cannot afford to lose another life. We would not forgive ourselves …
Come on sweetie, fight. We will fight alongside you. We promise you that you will know absolute happiness. Please don’t give up …
We need your help to save Astrid!

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