La especial mirada de Anika
Esta preciosa galguita se llama Anika y llegó hace pocos dias a nosotros. Su mirada era más que llamativa, y es que Anika tuvo un anterior problema en su ojo derecho que nunca fue tratado. A causa de esto, su ojo tiene un tamaño mas grande de lo normal, y la vista no es recuperable… Los veterinarios nos dicen que tiene infección y dolor, y que la única solución, es realizar una cirugía para extraer el ojito. Hemos estado con ella en su jaula y hemos observado que Anika apenas tiene animos de nada. No se acercó a saludarnos, pero tampoco se alejó cuando nos acercamos. Simplemente se quedó inmovil tumbada en el suelo, y completamente apatica. Estuvimos acariciandola un buen rato, y lo cierto es que nos causó mucha tristeza verla así… Pronto pasará por quirofano, y esperamos que tras aliviar ese dolor, empiece a sentirse mejor y poco a poco vaya recuperando el ánimo.
Vamos pequeña, empieza una nueva vida para ti
Anika, Coloso, Zoe, Camada de Risa, Canal, Renee…Todos necsitan de tu ayuda. ¿Nos echas una patita?
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Anika’s special look
This beautiful galguita is called Anika and she came to us a few days ago. Her gaze was more than striking, and is that Anika had a previous problem in her right eye that was never treated. Because of this, her eye is larger than normal, and sight is not recoverable … Veterinarians tell us that she has infection and pain, and that the only solution is to perform surgery to remove the eye. We have been with her in her cage and we have observed that Anika hardly has any spirit at all. She didn’t come over to greet us, but she didn’t walk away when we approached. She just lay motionless on the ground, and completely apathetic. We caressed her for a long time, and the truth is that we were very sad to see her like this … She will soon undergo surgery, and we hope that after relieving that pain, she will begin to feel better and little by little she will recover her spirits.
Come on little girl, start a new life for you
Anika, Colossus, Zoe, Risa´s Litter, Canal, Renee … They all need your help. Can you give us a paw ?
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