Esta personajilla andaba abandonada por un pueblo de Sevilla. Paseaba a sus anchas a la entrada del pueblo cruzando campos y carreteras corriendo un grave peligro, hasta que los dueños de una tienda de frutas la vieron e intentaron ayudarla. Alertaron de la situación de peligro que corría el animal y conductores de la zona a la guardia civil que no dudaron en prestarles ayuda, con la gran suerte de que ambos, conocían nuestra labor y nos llamaron para gestionar su recogida. Dicho y hecho, allí nos plantamos para recogerla. Y allí estaba Kaira tumbada a la sombra y resguardada del calor sofocante que hacia. Enseguida nos movió el rabito contenta y se tumbo panza arriba de la manera mas sumisa y entrañable que hemos visto en mucho tiempo. Kaira es puro amor. El amor que sana. Y ahora buscamos para ella un corazón que necesite amor del bueno y la mejor de las compañías.
¿Le darías una oportunidad a la podenquita mas entrañable del mundo?🥰
Rellena y envía el formulario de adopción aquí ⬇️
This little girl was abandoned in a village in Seville. She was walking at ease at the entrance to the village, crossing fields and roads in grave danger, until the owners of a fruit shop saw her and tried to help her. They alerted the civil guard of the dangerous situation that the animal and drivers in the area were facing, who did not hesitate to help them, with the great luck that both knew our work and called us to manage their collection. Said and done, we planted ourselves there to pick her up. And there was Kaira lying in the shade and sheltered from the suffocating heat. Immediately she moved her tail happily and she lay on her stomach in the most submissive and sweet way that we have seen in a long time. Kaira is pure love. The love that heals. And now we seek for her a heart that needs good love and the best of company.
Would you give the most endearing little podenca in the world a chance?
Fill out and send the adoption form here ⬇️

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