Fue encontrada en un tunel, en las vias de un tren.
No sabemos que le pasó, y si la herida y la fractura de su cadera tuvieron que ver con el tren que por alli pasa. Lo unico que sabemos es que de ser asi, se trató de un milagro. Como tambien, el hecho de que la encontraran en tan recondito lugar…
Nuestra fundacion está desbordada, las jaulas abarrotadas, el hospital saturado de pacientes, pero mirad su cara y decidnos si podriais haberle negado la ayuda…Era imposible.
Le abrimos las puertas, la atendimos rapidamente, le estamos dando amor y mimos, y ya está a la espera de ser intervenida.
Que sobreviviese fue un milagro
Que la encontraran fue un milagro
Que podamos brindarle ayuda en una situacion tan critica, tambien es un milagro.
Por eso, la hemos llamado Milagro.
Bienvenida a casa pequeña
Ayudanos a seguir salvando vidas,
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She was found in a tunnel, on the tracks of a train.
We do not know what happened to her, and if the injury and the fracture of her hip had to do with the train that passes by. The only thing we know is that if so, it was a miracle. As well as the fact that they will find her in such a remote place …
Our foundation is overflowing, the cages are crowded, the hospital overflowing with patients, but look at her face and tell us if you could have denied her help … It was impossible.
We open the doors for her, we attend to her quickly, we are giving her love and pampering, and she is already waiting to be intervened.
That she survived was a miracle
That they found her was a miracle
That we can help you in such a critical situation is also a miracle.
That is why we have called her Miracle.
Welcome home little
Help us to continue saving lives,
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