Ayer nos llegó esta camada de 7 cachorros. Fueron encontrados abandonados en un pueblo de Sevilla y rápidamente los trajeron a la fundación. No sabemos nada de su pasado ni de sus papás. Creemos que son mix de galgos, y tienen apenas unas semanas de vida. NECESITAMOS CASAS DE ACOGIDA EN LA PROVINCIA DE SEVILLA para poder sacarlos adelante. Lo ideal es que puedan irse dos cachorros juntos. (La fundación se hace cargo de todos los gastos)
Si crees que puedes acoger temporalmente a estos pequeñines, puedes dedicarles el tiempo necesario para su cuidado y vives en Sevilla, no dudes en escribirnos!
Yesterday we received this litter of 7 puppies. They were found abandoned in a village in Seville and were quickly brought to the foundation. We don’t know anything about their past or about their parents. We believe that they are a mix of greyhounds, and they are only a few weeks old. WE NEED FOSTER HOMES IN THE PROVINCE OF SEVILLE to be able to move them forward. Ideally, two puppies can go together. (The foundation is responsible for all expenses)
If you think that you can temporarily foster these little ones, you can dedicate the time necessary for their care and you live in Seville, do not hesitate to write us!

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Actualización Gaviota

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