No ha podido ser…
Sabiamos que era casi imposible,
Pero aun con un solo hilo de esperanza quisimos intentarlo…
Porque tenia tan solo 6 meses,
porque era un cachorro que tenia toda la vida por delante,
Y porque era injusto un final asi…
No es la primera vez que tenemos un caso asi, y siempre hemos luchado por ofrecerles la mejor calidad de vida posible. Pero Miko se rindió desde aquel momento que un coche le golpeó en la carretera. Desde que llegó no ha querido comer nada, y estaba sumido en una enorme tristeza. Sus ojos imploraban descanso, pero rendirnos nunca ha sido nuestro lema. Sin embargo esta mañana las analiticas confirmaron algo peor. Sus organos tambien estaban afectados y un grave fallo renal nos ha dejado sin opciones…
Se fue nuestro hilo de esperanza, y se derrumbó el futuro que teniamos planeado para el lejos del dolor y el sufrimiento.
Solo nos queda el consuelo de haberle brindado en sus ultimos dias, el amor mas puro que jamas habria conocido…
Ya tienes tus alas.
Vuela pequeñin, vuela muy alto, por encima de todo y de todos.
Y se feliz alli arriba, en un mundo en el que sin duda, serás mas feliz que en este…
Tu breve historia ya forma parte de nuestra memoria,
Ahí seras recordado siempre
It has not been…
We knew that it was almost impossible,
But even with a single thread of hope we wanted to try…
Because He was only 6 months old,
because he was a puppy who had his whole life ahead of him,
And because an ending like this was unfair…
It is not the first time that we have a case like this, and we have always fought to offer them the best possible quality of life. But Miko gave up from the moment a car hit him on the road. Since he arrived he has not wanted to eat anything, and he was immersed in an enormous sadness. His eyes implored rest, but giving up has never been our motto. However this morning the analytics confirmed something worse. His organs were also affected and a serious kidney failure has left us without options…
Our thread of hope was gone, and the future we had planned for him, far from pain and suffering, collapsed.
We only have the consolation of having given him in his last days, the purest love he would have ever known…
You already have your wings.
Fly little one, fly very high, above everything and everyone.
And be happy up there, in a world in which, without a doubt, you will be happier than in this one…
Your brief story is already part of our memory,
There you will always be remembered