Siguz y Ubbe.

Dos de nuestros perros que viajaron el viernes a Alemania. Asi de felices jugaron nada mas llegar y conocer la nieve. Parece que intuyen que empiezan una nueva vida y que van a ser muy felices. No podemos poner una mejor foto para comenzar el lunes.
Feliz lunes y a ser felices!

馃摲 Galgorettung Fr盲nkisches Seenland e.V.

馃嚞馃嚙 Siguz and Ubbe.
Two of our dogs who traveled to Germany last Friday. So happy they played as soon as they arrived and met the snow. It seems that they intuit that they are starting a new life and that they will be very happy. We can’t put a better photo to start on Monday.
Happy Monday and be happy!

馃摲 Galgorettung Fr盲nkisches Seenland e.V.

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Cuando hay amor

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Caso Externo

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