Aquí en la fundación es tarea difícil no enamorarnos de cada perro que llega. Y mas aún, cuando los perros son tan adorables.
El pequeño Simba y su mamá Sarabi estaban abandonados en el campo, en un pueblo de Sevilla. Al pequeño no sabemos que le pasó, pero el estado de su patita cuando llegó era lamentable. Nuestros veterinarios creen que algo pudo aplastar su pata, y además pasó varios días así , por lo que parte del tejido de la herida se había necrosado. Estuvimos ayer en su cura, y no teníamos muchas esperanzas… Lamentablemente ha perdido algunos de sus deditos…
Lo bueno, es que ya está a salvo, y además tiene la mejor compañía de todas, la de su mamá que no le deja solo en ningún momento. Verlos juntos, y ver como Sarabi lame a su cachorro es absolutamente enternecedor.
A nuestro peque le queda un largo camino para recuperarse, y mientras lo hace con nuestros mimos, y con los mimos de mamá, empezaremos a buscar la mejor familia para ellos.
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Dog with a shattered paw is rescued with his mother
Here at the foundation it is a difficult task not to fall in love with every dog that arrives. And even more so, when dogs are so adorable.
Little Simba and his mother Sarabi were abandoned in the countryside, in a town in Seville. We don’t know what happened to the little boy, but the condition of his little leg when he arrived was lamentable. Our vets believe that something could have crushed his paw, and it also spent several days like this, so that part of the wound tissue had necrotized. We were at his cure yesterday, and we did not have much hope … Unfortunately he has lost some of his toes …
The good thing is that he is already safe, and also has the best company of all, that of his mother who does not leave him alone at any time. Watching them together, and watching Sarabi lick her puppy is absolutely heartwarming.
Our little one has a long way to go to recover, and while he does it with our pampering, and with mom’s pampering, we will start looking for the best family for them.
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